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Arogya Yojana

Arogya Yojana

The goal of this project is to build a healthy society through environmental protection, physical health protection, and mental peace, and to provide timely guidance and treatment facilities regarding appropriate treatment for those suffering from illness.

  • Financial Assistance: Necessary treatment is being arranged for financially distressed patients in various hospitals free of charge or at a reduced cost through the Sri Matha (monastery/organization).
  • Medical Camps: Treatment facilities are being provided to patients in distress by organizing medical camps, blood donation camps, drug-free (yoga, pranayama, meditation) treatment camps, health information camps, and ayurvedic and traditional treatment camps.
  • Eye Donation: The eye donation pledge program is continuing through the “Sahastra Aksha Dana Sankalpa” (Thousand Eye Donation Pledge) program, which started in 2018. Traditional Medicine: Traditional healers are being organized through the “Sri Nithyananda Ayurveda Samrakshana Samiti”(Sri Nithyananda Ayurveda Protection Committee) to protect the traditional healing system.
  • Medicinal Plants: Not only are endangered medicinal herbs being planted and grown, but awareness camps are also being organized about this.
  • Environmental Initiatives: Trees are being planted and grown through the “Namma Parisara” (Our Environment) project. Forest conservation is being done by distributing plants to the public through the “Nanna Mara” (My Tree) project to raise awareness about this.
  • “Nakshatra Vana (Constellation Garden), Rashi Vana (Zodiac Garden), Navagraha Vana (Nine Planet Garden) have been created, thereby intertwining religious sentiment with trees and inspiring the preservation of this tree wealth.”
  • “Awareness is being raised about the harmful effects of plastic waste on the environment, and people are being made aware of the use of plastics.”
  • “Awareness of water conservation is being created through well construction and rainwater harvesting.”
  • “The ‘Sanjeevani Project’ is working to rehabilitate addicts and bring them back into the mainstream of society.”

Impact Stories

Anna means food. As rice is the basic food of Kerala, anna represents nothing but rice that removes the hunger of all poor children and devotees of among ashrama visitors. The free food for the 450 studetns of the Shri Nithyananda Vidyapeetam is a unique service of the ashram, which is carried out with so much of shraddha and patience. There are other 100 people visits daily ashram and enjoy this deliciuos free annadan seva.

Akshara mean education. The education is free for the 450 school children of Shri Nithyananda Vidyapeeta. The daily of Shri Guruji and also disciples of Shri Guruji, daily gets a unique spiritual education through seva and sadhana and daily coversation with the Guruji.

Arogya means health. The ashram concentrates on the free heath services to the disciples, and devotees and the school children. The free medical camps for bolld donation and free medical check ups are the main services that are carried out on a yearly programme schedule.