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Our Initiatives

Ashram’s key initiatives

At the heart of our mission lies a deep commitment to service, empowerment, and environmental harmony. Through our key initiatives, we strive to uplift lives, nurture nature, and build a better tomorrow. Focused on nourishment, education, well-being, shelter, sustainability, and community development, our efforts create a lasting positive impact on society.

Pancha Maha Yojanas:

Anna Yojana

This initiative aims to feed the hungry through the noble act of Annadana (food donation),...

Akshara Yojana

This Akshara project has a noble objective: to awaken the inherent abilities within childr...

Arogya Yojana

The goal of this project is to build a healthy society through environmental protection, p...

Ashraya Yojana

This initiative provides land to the landless and housing for the homeless. Numerous be...

Adhara Yojana

This is a significant project aimed at empowering youth by creating employment opportuniti...

Kamadenu Goushala

Our reverence for life extends to all beings. At Kamadenu Goushala, we honor the cow, a sy...

Special Initiatives:

Nakshatra Vana

According to scriptures, even before humans existed (three Yugas ago), God caused medicina...

Environmental and Community Initiatives

Our reverence for life extends to all beings. At Kamadenu Goushala, we honor the cow, a sy...