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Nakshatra Vana

Nakshatra Vana

According to scriptures, even before humans existed (three Yugas ago), God caused medicinal plants to grow on Earth. This was done by scattering seeds through rainwater. These plants, of which there are many varieties, can be cultivated and used as divine medicine to cure diseases. The tree associated with the Nakshatra (constellation) present on a person’s birth day is known as their ‘Janma Nakshatra Vriksha’ (Birth Star Tree). Each of the 27 Nakshatras, from Ashwini to Revati, has its own deity and associated tree, as described in the scriptures. These 27 trees, including the Kasaraka, should be planted and nurtured according to Vastu principles, following the specified directions and distances. From our perspective, the Sun appears to revolve in a circle of these 27 Nakshatras against the backdrop of the sky. Daily, at sunrise or sunset, the Sun is seen moving across the sky, with a different Nakshatra behind it. To create the garden, a central point is determined, and the tree associated with the Nakshatra behind the rising Sun on a particular day is planted so that its shadow falls upon that central point.

In this way, as mentioned in the scriptures, at the Sri Nityananda Yogashrama in Kondevooru, after constructing the ‘Ananda Tirtha’ Pushkarini (pond) in the center, in the first phase, 9 trees related to the Navagrahas (nine planets), in the second phase, 12 trees related to the Dwadasha Rashis (twelve zodiac signs), and in the third phase, 27 trees related to the Nakshatras have been planted and grown according to Vastu principles. In the Nakshatra garden, at the base of the trees associated with the nine planets, representations/idols of the nine planets have been installed.”Moreover, a beautiful flower garden will also come up in the premises of the Nakshatra Vana. Different varieties of jackfruit and mango saplings have also been planted, making it an attractive place.

Impact Stories

Anna means food. As rice is the basic food of Kerala, anna represents nothing but rice that removes the hunger of all poor children and devotees of among ashrama visitors. The free food for the 450 studetns of the Shri Nithyananda Vidyapeetam is a unique service of the ashram, which is carried out with so much of shraddha and patience. There are other 100 people visits daily ashram and enjoy this deliciuos free annadan seva.

Akshara mean education. The education is free for the 450 school children of Shri Nithyananda Vidyapeeta. The daily of Shri Guruji and also disciples of Shri Guruji, daily gets a unique spiritual education through seva and sadhana and daily coversation with the Guruji.

Arogya means health. The ashram concentrates on the free heath services to the disciples, and devotees and the school children. The free medical camps for bolld donation and free medical check ups are the main services that are carried out on a yearly programme schedule.